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Cyclone Freddy Hits Malawi

... appropriate hygiene and sanitation conditions, and access to health and education. Malawi needs your support to ensure early sustainable recovery from the impacts of Cyclone Freddy. Rebuilding livelihoods ...

Award For Rutendo

... it is to start in a country where traditions and culture is so different from your home country. One of her engagements over the years has been to help the children of the emigrant families, and that was ...

School Programme

... like to request a Programme Pack please contact us including your name, email address, name/address of school and the age group/number of students that will participate. Planet Aid UK will then contact ...

Request a Clothing Bank

... to visit the site, thus potentially benefiting from increased revenue for their business.  If you would like to request a permanent clothing bank for your business, or a one-off clothes collection ...

Volunteer in Africa

If you are interested in giving your time by volunteering to work in Africa supporting development aid projects you should contact our partner The College for International Co-operation and Development ...

Donate your clothes

...  and also to add to the council’s efforts to achieve their recycling targets. Recycling has to be part of daily life. If you would like to know the location of your nearest clothes bank please contac ...